Making all the three pixels take up the value of their average values gives a gray scale effect. This however is very rudimentary, method of grey scaling. The image looks very ugly so I'm not putting it up. ;-)!
average=(; =average; =average; =average;
#include<gtk/gtk.h> void colorgrey_picture(GdkPixbuf *pb) { int ht,wt; int i=0,j=0; int rowstride=0; int bpp=0; double avg=0; gchar *pixel; if(gdk_pixbuf_get_bits_per_sample(pb)!=8) //we handle only 24 bit images. return; //look at 3 bytes per pixel. bpp=3; //getting attributes of height, ht=gdk_pixbuf_get_height(pb); //width, and bpp.Also get pointer wt=gdk_pixbuf_get_width(pb); //to pixels. pixel=gdk_pixbuf_get_pixels(pb); rowstride=wt*bpp; for(i=0;i<ht;i++) //iterate over the height of image. for(j=0;j<rowstride;j+=bpp) //read every pixel in the row.skip //bpp bytes { //find avg of the pixel to grey it. avg+=pixel[i*rowstride + j+0]+pixel[i*rowstride + j+1]+pixel[i*rowstride + j+2]; avg/=3.00; avg=((int)(avg))%256; pixel[i*rowstride + j+0]=(int)avg; pixel[i*rowstride + j+1]=(int)avg; pixel[i*rowstride + j+2]=(int)avg; } return; } % <!-- provide link here--> % complete working example with glue code in example_colorgrey.c